Sani Medical Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to Sani Medical only and does not cover information collected on any third-party sites to which Sani Medical has no control over. This policy covers information collected in conjunction with the use of Sani Medical; it does not apply to patient medical records (which have their own, stricter privacy and confidentiality policies).

This privacy policy is part of, and must be read in conjunction with, Sani Medical, website Terms and Conditions.
Purpose of the Privacy Statement:
Sani Medical respects the privacy of visitors to this Sani Medical website and understands that information about you, your health, and your health care is sensitive. Sani Medical will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information.

We encourage you to read this Internet Privacy Statement before using this Sani Medical’s website or submitting information. By using Sani Medical’s website you acknowledge that you understand and agree to the terms of the Internet Privacy Statement.
Information Voluntarily Provided by Users:
You can visit much of Sani Medical’s website without telling us who you are or providing us with other personally identifiable information. Some areas of the our website allow you to contact us to ask questions or provide comments. When you communicate with us and request a response, we ask for your name and contact information. We use this information so that we can respond more efficiently and keep track of our correspondence.

When you request an appointment we will ask for additional information. Our purpose is to begin identifying your needs so that we can propose or schedule the appropriate services for you. This also helps us begin setting up a record for you, so that requesting information about your treatment in the future may be easier for you. Finally, by requesting some basic information we discourage correspondence from those who are not serious about their dental care, or might be contacting us for the wrong reasons. This allows us to focus more attention on patients who genuinely seek our help.
Use and Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information That You Provide Voluntarily:
If you do provide us with personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, you agree that we may contact you through a variety of means such as postal mail, phone, or e-mail to provide you with information we believe may be of interest to you, unless you opt out of this service by contacting us as indicate that personally.

Sani Medical will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information
Use and Disclosure of Non-Personally Identifiable Information:
Sani Medical will not treat as confidential any information that you provide that is not personally identifiable, such as questions, comments, ideas, or suggestions. You should be aware that Sani Medical will be free to disclose through any means and use for any purpose such information in its sole discretion.

By providing such information to Sani Medical, you understand and agree that no relationship has been created between Sani Medical and you, and Sani Medical has no obligation to you whatsoever regarding that information.

The information and comments provided at the Review section of our website may be used with promotional purposes, and Sani Medical will be free to post your comments in any third party website that Sani Medical has a relationship with, this doesn't create any obligation between Sani Medical, a third party web administrator and you.
Update and Correction of Personally Identifiable Information:
You may contact us to update or correct much of your personally identifiable information that you provide to us through Sani Medical’s website, phone communication, our mailings and other services that you may have signed up for.
We take reasonable precautions to maintain the protection of personally identifiable information collected through this Sani Medical website and used in accordance with this Privacy Statement. In addition to technical safeguards, we also use physical controls and procedures to safeguard your personally identifiable information. However, we cannot guarantee that it is completely secure from people who might attempt to evade our security measures or intercept transmissions over the Internet.
Receipt of unwanted messages from Sani Medical
In the unlikely event that you receive any message from Sani Medical or sent using Sani Medical’s systems that may be considered to be spam, please contact Sani Medical to and the matter will be investigated.
Use of Cookies:
We may store some information on your computer using a technique your browser supports called "cookies". The cookies are used for a variety of purposes, including but not limited to helping you login, remembering some of your customized user preferences, and help your computer to opn the website faster in the future, to help us better understand how people use our website, and to help us improve it. To disable or limit the use of cookies, please refer to the options provided by your Internet browser. If you do so, however, some features of Sani Medical’s website may not work properly.
Web Server Logging and IP Addresses:
With or without cookies, our Sani Medical’s website keeps track of usage data, such as the source address that a page request is coming from (I.e., your IP address, domain name), date and time of the page request, and other parameters in the URL. We use this data to better understand Sani Medical’s website usage on the whole and to determine which areas of our it users prefer. This information is stored in log files and is used by Sani Medical for statistical reporting.
Changes in Our Privacy Statement:
Sani Medical may at any time revise this privacy statement by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to review the most current privacy statement.
If you have any questions about the Web site’s Internet Privacy Statement or other aspects of privacy on our website please contact us at
¿Quiénes somos?
Sani Dental Group S.C de R.L de C.V, mejor conocido como Sani Dental Group, con domicilio en calle Calle Tercera 203-D, colonia Centro, ciudad Los Algodones, municipio o delegación Mexicali, c.p. 21970, en la entidad de Baja California, país México, y portal de internet, es el responsable del uso y protección de sus datos personales, y al respecto le informamos lo siguiente:
¿Para qué fines utilizaremos sus datos personales?
Los datos personales que recabamos de usted, los utilizaremos para las siguientes finalidades que son necesarias para el servicio que solicita:
•    Datos Personales
•    Datos de contacto
•    Historial médico
•    Datos sobre póliza de seguro
De manera adicional, utilizaremos su información personal para las siguientes finalidades secundarias que no son necesarias para el servicio solicitado, pero que nos permiten y facilitan brindarle una mejor atención:
•    Mercadotecnia o publicitaria
•    Prospección comercial
En caso de que no desee que sus datos personales se utilicen para estos fines secundarios, indíquelo a continuación:
No consiento que mis datos personales se utilicen para los siguientes fines:
•    [ ] Mercadotecnia o publicitaria
•    [ ] Prospección comercial
La negativa para el uso de sus datos personales para estas finalidades no podrá ser un motivo para que le neguemos los servicios y productos que solicita o contrata con nosotros.
¿Dónde puedo consultar el aviso de privacidad integral?
Para conocer mayor información sobre los términos y condiciones en que serán tratados sus datos personales, como los terceros con quienes compartimos su información personal y la forma en que podrá ejercer sus derechos ARCO, puede consultar el aviso de privacidad integral en:


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