Hallux Valgus Surgery

Hallux valgus surgery, also known as bunion surgery, is a surgical procedure performed to correct a deformity in the big toe joint.

Hallux valgus occurs when the big toe deviates towards the other toes, causing a bony bump on the side of the foot (bunion) and leading to pain, inflammations, and difficulty in wearing certain shoes.

When is Surgery Required?

Surgery is recommended when non-surgical treatments have failed to provide relief from complications caused by the bunion deformity.

When the bunion continues to worsen, causing persistent pain, difficulty walking, and interfering with daily activities, surgical intervention may be recommended.

Some specific situations when hallux valgus surgery may be necessary include:

·        Severe pain and discomfort.

·        Impaired mobility.

·        Recurrent infections or ulcers.

·        Chronic inflammation and swelling.

·        Deformity progression.

Hallux Valgus Surgery Step-by-Step

The steps involved in hallux valgus surgery can vary depending on the specific surgical technique used and the severity of the deformity. Nevertheless, the typical process of hallux valgus surgery involves the following:

1.      Anesthesia: The procedure will begin with the administration of anesthesia. Typically, local anesthesia, which numbs the area around the toe, is used to ensure you’re comfortable and pain-free during surgery.

2.      Incision: Your surgeon will make a small incision on the side of the foot near the bunion. The size and location of the incision may vary based on the surgical approach chosen.

3.      Bone Realignment: Your surgeon will carefully realign the bone behind the big toe and the big toe bone to correct the bunion deformity.

4.      Ligament and Soft Tissue Adjustments: Ligaments and soft tissues around the joint may be repaired or tighten to stabilize the position of the bones.

5.      Bone Fixation: To maintain the realigned bones in their new position, the surgeon may use screws, wires, or other fixation devices to hold them securely.

6.      Closure: After bone realignment and fixation, the incision will be closed using sutures or stitches.

At the end of surgery, your surgeon might apply a sterile bandage or dressing on the foot to protect the surgical site.

Recovery After Surgery

Full recovery can take approximately up to 12 weeks. During this period you might have to use crutches, or a walker to avoid putting on weight on your foot.

It is essential to follow the surgeon’s postoperative care instructions, including keeping the incision clean and dry, avoiding also demanding activities, and attending follow-up appointments to monitor your healing progress.


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