Inguinal Hernia (Laparoscopic)

A laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is a procedure performed to treat an inguinal hernia using minimally invasive techniques.

Unlike open hernia surgery, which involves a larger incision, laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair utilizes several small incisions in the abdomen. This results in less tissue trauma reduced post-operative pain, and a faster recovery time.

What Are the Advantages of This Procedure?

Some advantages this procedure offers include:

·        Minimally Invasive: As this surgery requires smaller incisions in the abdomen, it results in reduced pain, faster recovery, and smaller scars.

·        Reduced Risk of Complications: Laparoscopic inguinal repair has been associated with lower rates of complications such as infection, as the internal organs are less exposed, wound complications, and blood loss compared to open surgery.

·        Faster Recovery Time: As mentioned before, due to this surgery being minimally invasive, laparoscopic surgery leads to a faster recovery period. This allows patients to resume normal activities sooner.

·        Enhanced Visualization: The laparoscope utilized in this procedure provides a magnified, high-definition, and precise view of the hernia and surrounding structures.

Who is Candidate for This Procedure?

Before undergoing surgery you will have to go through an examination so your surgeon can determine if you’re a suitable candidate for this procedure.

Considering the following factors can help you determine if laparoscopic surgery is right for you:

·        You have NOT had previous abdominal surgery.

·        You DO NOT have any underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

·        You have recurrent inguinal hernias or bilateral hernias as this technique is highly recommended to repair these types of hernias.

·        You have good overall health to reduce the risks associated with surgery and anesthesia.

Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair Step-by-Step

This procedure usually follows these steps:

1.      After the anesthesia takes effect, your surgeon will begin the procedure by making three to four small incisions in your abdomen to pass tiny tube-shaped instruments through them.

2.      Your surgeon may gently pump carbon dioxide gas into your abdomen through one of the tubes. This will expand the space and will provide your surgeon with a clearer view of the area.

3.      The laparoscope will be then inserted through one of the incisions. This will allow your surgeon to see the hernia and surrounding area on a monitor.

4.      Then, your surgeon using small surgical instruments will push the hernia back into your abdomen.

5.      A mesh, which is a flexible screen-like material, will be inserted to reinforce the weakened abdominal wall. This mesh will help prevent the hernia from recurring.

6.      Once the procedure is complete, the surgical instruments will be removed, and your surgeon will close the incisions using stitches.

Recovery After Surgery

Most times, patients can go home on the same day as the procedure. You will be allowed to leave as soon as you feel comfortable and the effect of the anesthetic has worn off.

During the first few days, you will feel some pain and soreness around the incision site. Your doctor may prescribe you some painkillers to help manage the pain.

It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions regarding limitations on physical activities, lifting heavy objects, or demanding exercise.

The time it will take to return to work and your normal activities will depend on your specific case. Generally, patients can return to light activity after 1 or 2 weeks.

Follow all recovery indications for successful healing.



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