IV Therapy

IV therapy is a new method for patients to feel revitalized and full of energy with the utilization of faster, easier methods.
IV therapy relies on the administration of fluids that contain a blend of vitamins, minerals and/or medication through injections or intravenous drips. Due to how it is injected directly into the bloodstream, the patient might feel see and feel the results earlier than with the utilization of other methods.
Here, in Sani Medical we offer a great selection of IV therapy drips that could fit most patients’ needs.

List of IV therapy treatments:

For $99 USD you can get:
Mineral Power: Replenishes your body using vital trace minerals that repair and regenerate the body’s cells and tissues. It allows proper fluid balance, nerve, and muscle fiber.
*Components: L-Lysine, Trace Elements, Procaine.

Zen: Uses components to stimulate relaxation; improves sleep quality and reduces levels of stress.
*Components: DMSO, Vitamin B6.

Myers Equilibrium: Blends and infuses baseline vitamins and minerals to maintain and optimize overall health. Designed for acute and chronic ailments.
*Components: Vitamin C, Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Vitamin B Complex.

Back To Life: Rehydrates your body; helps combat hangovers by flushing toxins from your liver and restores the nutrients that are usually lost during a night of heavy drinking.
*Components: Caffeine, Sodium, Bicarbonate, Trace Elements, Multivitamin, Ademetionine, Saline Solution.

For $119 USD you can get:
Vitamin party: It corrects nutrient deficiencies that are not being met through diet and boosts overall wellness.
*Components: Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Sodium Bicarbonate, Saline Solution.

Power Recover: Revitalizes your body using crucial electrolytes, amino acids, and minerals that promote energy; this will help you get an overall recovery.
*Components: Amino acids, DMSO, Trace Elements, Calcium Chloride.

Booster: Formulated with athletes in mind; helps improve athletic performance. Regenerates your body through hydration, thus rebuilding and maintaining proper muscular and cardiovascular functions that maximize endurance.
*Components: L-Carnitine, ATP, Carnosine, Carboxylase, Sodium Bicarbonate.

Pre Op: Helps your body recover from a surgical procedure faster than before through rehydrating and providing it with vitamins that promote natural healing. These vitamins stimulate collagen production and decrease inflammation.
*Components: Vitamin C, Nutrisim, Multivitamin, Saline Solution.

For $149 USD you can get:
Antiox: Stimulates and revitalizes your metabolism by eliminating harmful agents that are related to a faster aging process.
*Components: Multivitamin, Vitamin C, Glutation, Zinc, Saline Solution.

Bikini Drip: An addition to your weight loss journey; stimulates your metabolism to burn fat deposits and use such fat as fuel.
*Components: Vitamin C, Calcium Chloride, L-Carnitine, Selenium.

Total protection: Works as a boost to fight off colds, flu, allergies, and viral infections. Helps speed up the process and detoxes your body from an illness.
*Components: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Transfer Factor, Selenium.

Hollywood Skin: Fights cell-deep damage caused by aging; boosts collagen productions that regenerates skin and smooths out wrinkles.
*Components: Hyaluronic Acid, DMSO, Vitamin C, Glutation, Fibroblasts, Saline, Solution.

IV Hydration therapy benefits
The purpose of IV therapy is to make patients achieve their revitalization and rehydration goals faster than other methods. It’s important to note, however, that each of the aforementioned drips offers different options for different situations.
The benefits vary from drip to drip, so it’s better to consult your doctor about which option is the best for you. He/she will guide you and give you more information about each of these options.

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